Sunday 18 November 2007

68. Buy new winter boots.

Status: Bringing sexy back.

Well, it's finally happened. I've finally become trendy. I am a total fashion conformist, and it's time to admit it. I've fought it long, and I've fought it hard, for two winters now I've trudged around in inadequate footwear, but my feet were cold, dammit!

Nevermind that we, for some strange reason, don't even have snow yet (Can I get a hip hip hooray for global warming?), yesterday I went out and bought what I would call Ugg-like boots. They're not Uggs (As Uggs are roughly my entire months' budget), they're Rocket Dogs, and they're purrrrrrty. Plus now my tootsies can brave the -20 weather that is soon to be upon us, and I can skip happily through mountains of snow. And yes, I AM going to roll my pants up when I wear them to show them off, because they were expensive!

1 comment:

matt said...

You look so hot I'll forgive you for quoting Justin Timberlake.