Thursday 8 November 2007

57. Make muffins for my roomates.

Out of sheer apathy towards my studies, I decided to not do research for that 10-pager I have due soon, and instead spend my precious Wednesday evening baking and watching trash TV! (Yes, ANTM, because I like to eat fatty food whilst watching skinny models on TV, tastes even better knowing they can't eat it.)

I even braved the wind and rain to make the trek to Safeway to get the necessary ingredients to make carrot muffins with cream cheese icing! Yum! (No picture as they're....umm...all gone....already)

And you may say that I didn't actually do this out of the goodness of my heart, and that I was just trying to avoid the nagging components of my student life, but I'll remind you that there was no stipulation regarding where my intentions must lie in the original list item!

The fact that I'm posting this from work should also give some idea of my professional ethic. But I am wearing pinstripe dress pants and I think giving off the impression of professionalism is enough for one day.


matt said...

No, that's the beauty of this 101 list. You can be as unscrupulous as you like and still get that great feeling of accomplishment whenever you check another item off.

Now, how can I immorally skydive?

Bodie said...

while matt will be impressed that you can cook, he would be even more impressed if you would stop watching antm haha

but congrats!

kit and nancy. said...

hi jackie!

not only am i proud of your trashy tv choice....

i find that if you're going to indulge in junk food, why not do it whilst watching models or overweight celebrities???

good times.

ps. love the cupcakes.