Sunday 30 September 2007

Number 87: Watch 5 Movies from my Childhood

Status: 60 percent done!

Just a quick update to mention that in addition to Free Willy, I've now re-watched Madeline, and my favourite Disney movie - Aladdin.

The movie "Madeline" is the reason I pretended to live in Paris from the age range of 6-9, and in turn, the reason my parents had me psychologically evaluated. Once again, I got a little emotional when they got to keep their school. They deserved it, those courageous but darling French girls.

I'm proud to say, however, that I did NOT cry at Aladdin. I'm not such a wuss.

Friday 28 September 2007

Number 88: Vote in the SU Elections

Status: Complete (My first actual completion!)

Priding myself as a democratically active citizen.....I strolled to my nearest campus voting booth, completely uninformed, to vote for my faculty's student union representative. My pick wasn't entirely random, though, I voted for the guy that had superior references.

On one of his posters: "I'd vote for this guy if I wasn't fictional." - Indiana Jones.

If he's good enough for Indiana Jones..........

Number 24: Do not skip any classes for the next two months, unless I happen to be on my deathbed.

Status: Failed.

Whoops! Alright, so I wasn't exactly on my "deathbed". But I wasn't finished my tea, and was right in the middle of Aladdin during the "A Whole New World" song, can you really blame me for tucking myself back into bed rather than trudge to American Politics? While I like a good "Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face" joke as much as the next political satirist, we're not learning anything new from this. Therefore, it was a more effective use of my time to finish my pomegranate green tea and watch Aladdin's lie unfold.

I'll try this again next semester.

Thursday 27 September 2007

Number 87: Watch 5 Movies from my Childhood

Status: Off to the races.

Free Willy - check!

And yes, I teared up when the big lug was finally liberated.

I may need some suggestions for this one. Anything but Jurassic Park as it gave me nightmares for months when I was 6.

Sunday 23 September 2007

Number 62: Do not swear for one whole week - Third time's a charm!

Status: Seemingly impossible.

New end date: Sunday September 30th, at 8 pm.

1001 days are going to fly by!

Number 86: Be sticky sweet to Matt for one whole week.

Status: In progress starting Sunday September 23 at 4:30pm.

Since certain overly-sensitive individuals take such statements as, "I'm not going to come home at night because I'll be out hooking up with other men" completely the wrong way, I've undertaken this simple endeavor (which was requested of me, by the way).

For the next 7 days it will be nothing but mushy heartwarming loveliness from this girl, all because a specific person considers being called a "dirty hippie" an insult, for some reason, when I was clearly just commenting that Matt's high regard for the environment is "above reproach".

So here goes! This'll be a piece of cake for the next few hours.......until he wakes up.

Number 62: Do not swear for one whole week - do over!

Status: fucked up.

Goddamn! This is hard! A full day and a half's worth of effort was lost yesterday when I slipped a forbidden word out in a conversation with the wrong person. While I still hold that I was referring to Matt's female dog, I'll play fair and start over.

I now am clean-mouthed until Sunday, September 30, at 4pm.

And as an added caveat, this restriction does not impose upon my thoughts. If you want someone to think about something, tell them not to, and that'll do the trick! I'm being realistic here!

Friday 21 September 2007

62. Do not swear for one whole week.

Status: In progress - starting Friday, September 21 at 2pm, and ending Friday, September 28 at 2pm.

Ever since I begged little Jamie Downey on the playground in grade one to reveal to me what exactly the "F" word was, I've had a bit of a dirty mouth. I agree, it's not becoming on me, and now, on the cusp of adulthood, I've realized that something needs to be done about it.

I came to this realization yesterday after having your bog-standard miserable day. Actually said "fuck" to my lab TA as I handed in my calculus quiz, spewed a dramatic stream of "shit-damn-ass-whore-rape-titty-fucking" to my roomate (who was quite amused) when she didn't have a loonie for my 4 quarters, and stood in line at the convenience store for the simple exchange of 4 quarters for a loonie muttering similar obscenities under my breath at the guy ahead of me taking ages to buy a lottery ticket (Definition: ages - about 3 minutes.)

We're all like sailors on this campus, as we only ever interact with people aged 18-25. However, one day I may actually finish university and be introduced back into the real world (god forbid!), where I might have to mind my mouth. More than allowing me to be around small children and the elderly, I believe that cutting back on swearing could actually help my psyche - by not working me up into a frenzy over the little things in life.

What I'm hoping to take away from this week is a calm and collected approach to adversity, so the next time I come across " lim x-> 0 (-sin^2x/x)(1/cosx+1) =lim x->0 (-sinx)(sinx)/x(1/cosx+1)" on an exam, instead of screaming "Motherfucker!" in my head, I'll be able to focus clearly and solve the problem.

Thursday 13 September 2007

Number 1: Mention Matt more often in my list than he mentions me in his.

Status: In progress

Now, some of you may hold the (misinformed) opinion that shaming Matt in list cameos is not much of an achievement at all, but I remind you, what is a relationship if not a fierce competition between two people? The main motivation for this being punishment for the fact that I never received so much as a passing mention in his long-running blog, despite the fact that the great baggage tag heist of 2006 never would have occurred without yours truly. Ungrateful!

As it stands, at more than a quarter through our lists, it's 5 to 2.

This also gives me a chance to show off the snazzy new skills I've learned so far in calculus. (i.e. - to count to 5)

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Why 101 in 1001?

If there's one thing I love, it's a bandwagon. Pogs at the age of nine, boy bands when I was 12, America's Next Top Model at 22.....uh.....I, I never liked that.

But what a perfect bandwagon I've jumped aboard this time! The 101 in 1001 challenge allows me to maintain my attachment to all things shallow (Get an expensive haircut), while simultaneously striving towards something really significant (Organize a fundraiser for UNICEF, Get into law school). Gone are the days where my New Year's resolution lists were either tremendously unachievable ("irrigate the Sahara desert"), or purposefully doable ("eat fast food more often"). The items on this list are all reasonably attainable, and a step forward for me.

Plus, the nearly 3-year timeline suits my tendency for procrastination wonderfully.

And so it begins! 20 minutes.