Wednesday 12 September 2007

Why 101 in 1001?

If there's one thing I love, it's a bandwagon. Pogs at the age of nine, boy bands when I was 12, America's Next Top Model at 22.....uh.....I, I never liked that.

But what a perfect bandwagon I've jumped aboard this time! The 101 in 1001 challenge allows me to maintain my attachment to all things shallow (Get an expensive haircut), while simultaneously striving towards something really significant (Organize a fundraiser for UNICEF, Get into law school). Gone are the days where my New Year's resolution lists were either tremendously unachievable ("irrigate the Sahara desert"), or purposefully doable ("eat fast food more often"). The items on this list are all reasonably attainable, and a step forward for me.

Plus, the nearly 3-year timeline suits my tendency for procrastination wonderfully.

And so it begins! 20 minutes.


Bodie said...

Welcome to the 101 in 1001. All i can say is :) for having 30 things on your list already! But i wanted to take matt to niagara :P but can we go in the summer :P i've seen it in the winter. haha

matt said...

God, it's like having two girlfrends!

Jackie West said...

But I've only seen it in the summer!