Tuesday 4 December 2007

73. Go to a Spice Girls concert!

Status: Spiced up for life.

I don't even know where to start with this one. I first put it on the list with wishful thinking, but not really believing that it could possibly happen. I mean, you had to enter a draw just to win the chance to buy tickets! The London concert sold out in 35 seconds! I am SO lucky! I was at the very first show of the Spice Girls reunion tour.

So with the constant dilemma of the crucial concert outfit on my mind, I boarded a plane to Vancouver Friday afternoon. I would be in Vancouver for 3 days, but my suitcase was bursting at the seams with anything I own that could be considered even remotely Spice-like (couldn't find the great big union jack platform shoes I was looking for, sadly.)

Met up with my mom and sister at our fancy Robson Street hotel - and the view from our balcony, 26 floors up, was so gorgeous - my camera could not do it justice.

The next day and a half consisted of frivolous shopping, fancy restaurants (complete with guilty indulges in amazing desserts! The gingerbread cake from Earls comes highly recommended from this girl), and TERRIBLE weather! Honestly, it hardly ever snows in Vancouver - so accordingly the only time it does is when I stop by for the weekend. Vancouver snow is infuriating, it's not cold enough there for proper snow - it's just clumps of slush falling on your face. The wetness of it all chills you to the bone! When I stepped out of the airport back in -20 degrees Edmonton, I exclaimed, "Yes! Familiar cold!"

Wait, what's this about again? Right, the concert! Back on task, I met up with the girls Sunday afternoon to Spice ourselves up! I drank entirely too much wine while "baby-ing (-ish)" myself up, and was inappropriately half-cut to see a band that I loved when I was 11! Finally, and drunkenly, decided on a red dress with fishnet stockings, Baby Spice hairstyle, uncomfortable false eyelashes (in case they asked me up on stage with them, of course), and my rocket dog boots because it was cold dammit!

Because of unreliable cabs we got to GM Place a bit late, no time for merchandise! Straight to our seats, and, after a David Beckham sighting (!!), there was a frenzy of activity, lights, and videos on stage.....and out come the Spice Girls looking amazing. They were a bit more sophisticated, sadly, but there was the odd platform shoe, union jack dress, and leopard print. They started with "Spice up your life" (I called it!) and went straight into "Stop" and my personal favourite "Say you'll be there" The screaming was deafening, particularly my own!

I don't even really know how to describe it - obviously the Spice Girls aren't the most exquisite musicians of our time - but it's about more than that. We had a blast reliving our childhoods, it was all so nostalgic and exciting......and yes everyone was crying during "Mama"! It all ended way too soon. I bought the World Tour program for an insane amount of money, and we were out the door into the pouring rain (I was "Drowned Rat Spice"). I still can't believe it's over. :(

And yes, they did ask me to go on tour with them. But after careful deliberation I had to respectfully decline their offer. My studies are more important.


Trudy said...

all I can say is


I am so freaking jealous!

matt said...

All I can say is:


My friends are going to be so freaking jealous!

Bodie said...

All i can say is


(that was a completely original idea)
Man i wish i was there! it would have been so much fun!!!!!!! was there slamming to the left and shaking to the right?

and several kinds of cold!!!! I can't wait to enjoy them all! -20 man!!!!!!

kit and nancy. said...

stop right now....thankyou very much.

good work jackie, making women everywhere proud. fishnets, top choice!

Ashleigh said...

oh my god....the jealousy is overpowering!! i would give my left foot to see them live!
i had to settle for getting a bit drunk on xmas and listening to both albums, watching old tapes of their concerts and possibly even the movie as well.....
oh the good times!