Thursday 20 December 2007

52. Bake cookies for my dog.

Status: Creatively completed.

Here is a copy of my dog, Jasper's, allergy report:

Bluegrass/June grass, Orchard, Fescue, Ryegrass, Ragweed, Pigweed/Careless Weed, Sage, Willow, Oak, Elm, Sycamore, Alternaria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Saccharomyces, Mixed Feathers, Housedust/mites, Beef, Pork, Soybean, Corn, Oatmeal, Barley, Carrots, Peas, Wool, Tobacco Smoke, Mosquito, Malassezia (that one means she's allergic to her own skin)

These are things she's borderline allergic to:

Redtop, Dock/Sheep Sorrel, Pecan/Hickory, Smut Mix, Mouse Epi, Wheat, Kapok, Flea

Miscellaneous Allergies:

Dragons, Santa's Sleigh, Pixie Dust, Trees filled with elves, goblins, Houses made of gingerbread, Communism, Henry David Thoreau, Easter Eggs, Clown shoes, Blue Wigs with a nice little fringe that blair said made me look young, Scotch Tape Dispensers. (she got her nose caught in one as a puppy)

How do you make cookies without any sort of wheat or oatmeal? You improvise! With potato, tuna, and green pepper. They were completely unorthodox and crumbly, but even my mom said they were tasty! And Jasper licked the bowl clean......


matt said...

Sounds delish!

Save some for me? Only a week to go!

Jackie West said...

You want potato tuna cookies?

Bodie said...

i think number 95 is done just thought i'd let you know :P

but baking for your dog i imagine my mother doing something like that for our pig i mean dog

kit and nancy. said...

puppies deserve only the best. nice work lovely.

Unknown said...

I love that I found this! Awesome! I'm mentioned multiple times!

Say said...

Can I just say how much I adore your puppy! and reading your blog... Matt is a lucky man and so is your puppy!

Hope you are well :)

p.s. Hello!