Sunday 28 October 2007

89. Win the "tin-off".

Status: We'll call it a draw.

Well, my entire room is covered in sparkles, and when I sneezed yesterday, silver came out.....but it was all worth it in the end as there is very little in this world more enjoyable then going out in public dressed up in a themed way with your friends.

In our Wizard of Oz group, Dorothy's boyfriend and I both insisted on being the tinman. Neither of us would budge on it, believing in our superior tinman potential, so it was evident that a contest was indeed in order. He went for the more traditional tinman approach, while I put a slight prostitute angle on it (it's what Halloween's all about!) The tin-off required not only a winning costume, but a winning attempt at doing the robot (Not sure how they're connected....) at which I cannot be beaten.

I was hoping to strike off "Go out in public dressed as a Disney character" with this one as well, but Matt has informed me that the Wizard of Oz wasn't Disney after next year I'll be going as Peter Pan, and Matt will be tinkerbell.


matt said...

Aw, can't I be Wendy?

Bodie said...

your the post modern tinman! because because because because because because of the wonderful costume you had? now go on your off to see the wizard!

Expelliamus :P