Tuesday 2 October 2007

70. Get my bangs cut.

Status: Lookin' hot!

The bangs that I had as recently as this morning were not technically bangs anymore, as they made up for a good 50% of the hair on my head. But this afternoon at 1, I bravely waltzed (yes, I waltzed) into the closest salon and declared that I wanted them, once again, to be eyebrow height!

This took serious courage! But apart from looking about 15 with this haircut (the lady who cut them said I "looked good for 22" What's that about?? Am I that old that I could look good for my age now??) I'm quite happy with it. Plus my head feels significantly lighter! I can do all sort of things now that I couldn't before I lost that extra hair weight! Like.....er.......head-banging......to the Spice Girls. (I'm still pumped about that.)

The best part? As I went up to pay, the lady said "don't worry about it" So number 70 has completed without a penny spent! Though now I feel obligated to go there to complete another challenge on my list - get an expensive haircut.


matt said...

Whoa, looking gorgeous!

I am one lucky guy!

Can you make sure your hair doesn't grow between now and December?


Bodie said...

free haircut aye! looks like u have caught matt's "scab" like nature (Although he would say Opportunist but we all know the truth) hahaha
just kidding, how did u manage to get a free haircut lol you didn't even have to tip them! i must learn that skill! and i'm a little confused as to what bangs are....

matt said...

Bangs are what we call a fringe.

Here endeth the lesson.

Bodie said...

i thought it was canadian slang for something.