Saturday 2 February 2008

38. Buy black heels.

Status: twisted ankle - beauty is pain!

Now, I've already made these out to be more immensely high-heeled than they are. They are literally half a kitten heel. And I am literally useless at walking in heels of any stature. I'm a flats sort of girl, despite the fact that I could desperately use to gain a few inches. However, I have come to terms with the unbearable truth that I will never be on Canada's Next Top Model, and am comfortable to stick to varieties of shoes that leave me close to the ground. Oh, I can handle shoes of height that distribute the height uniformly across the bottom surface of the shoe, but that's just not what the kids are wearing these days, is it? And at 22, I'm far too young to fall behind the times, put on some tapered acid-wash jeans, slip into some crocs and call it an early night.

So I struggle on in fashion. I must admit my new black "heels" (term used loosely) are quite classy, until I put them on and am a wobbly mess stumbling down the streets in a demonstrably un-classy way. They happen to be just a smidge too big, which does not aid the "walking normally" problem. But they were massively on sale from a reputable store and....just.....wouldn't you get them?? On the odd occasion (def: "odd" - every single time I wear them) they'll fly off my feet whilst I'm running across a busy intersection, but thus is the price of looking good!

I'd have posted a picture of the lovely shoes, but they're a bit messy at the moment from flying off into a snow bank....leaving me standing barefoot on ice.

1 comment:

matt said...

As a bloke, I honestly have no idea what to comment on a post about shoes that also includes a reference to Canada's Next Top Model. Seriously. It does not compute.

In lieu of that, I present you with this Monty Python quote:

Interviewer: "Good evening. Well, we have in the studio tonight a man who says things in a very roundabout way. Isn't that so, Mr Pudifoot?"
Mr. Pudifoot: "Yes."
Interviewer: "Have you always said things in a very roundabout way?"
Mr. Pudifoot: "Yes."
Interviewer: "Well, I can't help noticing that, for someone who claims to say things in a very roundabout way, your last two answers have had very little of the discursive quality about them."

Oh, and the shoes look stunning on you!